January 5, 2021: New Video Collection Highlights Advances in Electronic Health Records for Pragmatic Research

We are pleased to announce our new collection of short educational videos that highlight advances in the use of electronic health records (EHRs) in pragmatic clinical trials.

The videos are drawn from our 2020 EHR Workshop Grand Rounds Series, “Advances at the Intersection of Digital Health, Electronic Health Records and Pragmatic Clinical Trials.” The series highlighted advances in digital health, new approaches and evolving standards for EHRs, and implications for researchers conducting pragmatic trials. Experts discuss the evolving regulatory context for EHRs, national policy priorities, and innovative uses of EHRs in several NIH Collaboratory Trials.

Video topics include:

Visit the EHR Workshop Video Modules page for access to all of the new videos.

September 14, 2020: New Video Collection Highlights Essential Content of the Living Textbook

We are pleased to announce a new collection of short educational videos that highlight essential content in the NIH Collaboratory’s Living Textbook of Pragmatic Clinical Trials.

The videos are drawn from our 2020 Living Textbook Grand Rounds series. The series featured expert speakers guiding the audience through the life cycle of an embedded pragmatic clinical trial—from idea to funding to implementation.

Designed for clinical investigators at all levels who are interested in learning how to conduct an embedded pragmatic clinical trial, the new video collection links viewers to the full range of content and training resources available in the Living Textbook.

Video topics include:

  • What Are Pragmatic Clinical Trials?
  • Designing Pragmatic Trials That Are Fit for Purpose
  • Engaging With Stakeholders in Pragmatic Clinical Trials
  • Building a Study Team for a Pragmatic Clinical Trial
  • Designing With Implementation in Mind
  • Pilot and Feasibility Testing: The LIRE Example
  • Is a Pragmatic Trial Right for Your Research Question?
  • Finding the Right NIH Funding Opportunity
  • Writing a Successful Grant Application
  • Choosing the Right Study Design
  • Understanding Clustering in Cluster Randomized Trials
  • Choosing Endpoints and Outcomes in Pragmatic Clinical Trials
  • Defining Outcomes With Electronic Health Record Data
  • Assessing Data Quality

Visit the Living Textbook Video Modules page for access to all of the new videos.

April 24, 2018: NIH Collaboratory ePCT Training Workshop Resources Now Available

Interested in learning more about the complexities of designing and conducting embedded pragmatic clinical trials (ePCTs)? Now you can view and download the slide sets and handouts from the first NIH Collaboratory ePCT Training Workshop. Held on February 20-21, 2018, at Duke University, this pilot workshop offered training in the conduct of ePCTs to 27 mid- and senior-level investigators. Also present at the workshop were representatives from the NIH, NIH Collaboratory Trials and Core Working Groups, and Coordinating Center staff. NIH Collaboratory subject matter experts used experiences from the program and chapters from the Living Textbook to develop workshop content.

The workshop comprised 10 topics across the 2 days and included hands-on exercises and case studies from the NIH Collaboratory Trials illustrating the particulars of designing and conducting ePCTs and providing resources for planning and overcoming challenges. Among the topics covered were Engaging All Stakeholders and Aligning with Healthcare System Partners, Design and Analytic Considerations, Pilot and Feasibility Testing, and Developing a Compelling Application. The NIH Collaboratory will be making additional training resources available to the public in the near future.

The training was funded as an NIH Roadmap Initiative 3U54AT007748-05S2.