February 21, 2020: Nudge Study Updates (Michael Ho, MD, PhD; Sheana Bull, PhD, MPH)


Michael Ho, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Staff Cardiologist, Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center

Sheana Bull, PhD, MPH
Professor, Colorado School of Public Health
Director, mHealth Impact Laboratory


Nudge Study Updates


Cardiovascular health; Behavioral nudges; Disease self-management; Pharmacy data; Text messaging; mHealth; Medication adherence; Choice architecture

Key Points

  • Up to 50% of patients do not take their cardiovascular medications as prescribed. Nonadherence is associated with increased cardiovascular events.
  • Nudges prompt small, incremental changes in behavior and can be delivered through text messaging.
  • The Nudge pragmatic study was piloted across 3 integrated healthcare systems. The intervention uses pharmacy data to monitor gaps in patients’ cardiovascular medication refills. Patients with gaps receive text messages on their mobile phone to remind them to refill their medication.

Discussion Themes

A “chatbot” is used in one of the study arms to interact with the patient through the mobile phone application. As part of the analytic plan, the study team will be evaluating engagement with the interactive chatbot and the dose response.

The Nudge study gives patients two opportunities to opt out of participating. The study team is tracking demographics of patients who opted out as well as their reasons for opting out.

How do you handle the roughly 10% of people who receive care from more than one health system? That is, patients may be receiving conflicting advice, including directions to discontinue their medications.

Learn more about the Nudge NIH Collaboratory Trial.

#pctGR, @Collaboratory1