October 2, 2020: Driving Toward Health Impact: Our Journey and Path Forward (Nakela Cook, MD, MPH)


Nakela L. Cook, MD, MPH
Executive Director
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)


Driving Toward Health Impact: Our Journey and Path Forward


PCORI; Health outcomes; Health disparities; Patient-centered research; Comparative clinical effectiveness; COVID-19; Maternal health

Key Points

  • Despite improvements in health, disparities and variation in care remain—especially underscored by the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.
  • PCORI funds studies that can help patients and those who care for them make better informed healthcare choices.
  • PCORI has funded the HERO Registry to assess COVID-19 exposure responses and outcomes within the community of healthcare workers. Other research support is targeted toward vulnerable populations, healthcare delivery, and emerging health trends.
  • With PCORI 2.0, new funding will be available for large-scale, high-impact comparative effectiveness trials. Each study will include an initial phase to determine the feasibility and viability of the study and maximize the likelihood of success during the full-scale phase.

Discussion Themes

What are your observations regarding COVID-19’s impact on health, healthcare, and research that you think will be critical for PCORI's strategy? What will bring about the necessary innovations to the system?

Addressing maternal health disparities is a high priority in PCORI 2.0. The next phase will also expand PCORI’s role in collecting and generating relevant evidence and focusing on a deliberate and transparent process for implementation.

How will PCORI broaden its reach to reduce outcome disparities among people with disabilities?

Read more about PCORI.


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