ePCT Seminar: American Society of Nephrology (November 2019)

This seminar, offered by the NIH Collaboratory in partnership with the American Society of Nephrology, was held on November 8, 2019, in Washington, D.C., during ASN Kidney Week. The seminar sessions provide an introduction to concepts in the design of embedded pragmatic clinical trials (ePCTs), with a focus on interventions that are relevant to the nephrology research community. All presentations are downloadable in PDF format.

Logo for ASN Kidney Week 2019

Agenda and Slides

Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trials: Accelerating Evidence Generation in Nephrology

Welcome and Introduction

Catherine M. Meyers, MD
Susan R. Mendley, MD

Session 1: Opportunities for Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trials in Nephrology

Laura Dember, MD

Session 2: Design and Analysis: Strategies for Embedded Pragmatic Clinical Trials

Qilu Yu, PhD

Session 3: Engaging Stakeholders and Aligning with Health System Partners

Miguel Vazquez, MD

Session 4: Designing for Post-Trial Implementation

Wynne Norton, PhD