February 15, 2018: Timely Tips from NIH Collaboratory Trial Principal Investigators

The NIH Collaboratory will soon welcome a new group of NIH Collaboratory Trials and guide them through the piloting and implementation phases of their embedded pragmatic clinical trials (ePCTs). We asked three seasoned principal investigators—Drs. Laura Dember, MD (TiME), Lynn DeBar, PhD (PPACT), and Jerry Jarvik, MD, MPH (LIRE)­—to share tips and advice for investigators who are new to ePCTs.

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“Integrate really well with the key stakeholders from your sites.”
– Lynn DeBar, PhD

“Engage with senior mentors and people who have gone down this road before.” – Jerry Jarvik, MD, MPH

“Recognize that the perspectives of key stakeholders may be different than anticipated by investigators.” – Laura Dember, MD